Posted by: jamieasands | November 19, 2009

television workout

I found a television station that has workout programs. The production value is good. The picture was clear and not over-exposed and the lighting was bright. That was the best part. The first time I saw it there was a Spanish speaking guy dressed in fancy Turkish garb teaching how to do foot taps and hula-like hand movements. It was entertaining for a few minutes albeit a lame workout.

In American workout programs the people behind the main person are well-trained and well-rehearsed. They get the new steps immediately and in perfect synchronization, as if to say- ‘look, we all can get it, you should be on point, too… slow ass.’

Today, I found Moldovan Tae bo that was quite different than anything I have seen before. The back-up people not only were not rehearsed, they looked like they were just pulled off the street. As if someone said to them ‘hey, wanna be on tv?’ and they followed not knowing what they were signing up for. They were not in workout clothes and were not getting the moves down. This made me feel like a some kind of fitness master. At one point, they were talking to each other. I assume they were asking each other ‘What is this? Are we on Candid Camera, I can’t do this. Is it left punch kick right or left?’ Maybe they insulted his bicycle shorts, because to my surprise, the main guy lost it, started yelling – no, screaming at them – and seriously looked like he was going to kick their asses. I was at a standstill in total disbelief for a good 10 seconds before rolling with laughter. If nothing else, my stomach got a workout.


  1. laughed my ass off on this one! With all the walking you are doing you can probably skip the tae bo! haha. Love you guys!

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